#5: Okay okay, I heard you…

Hey, it’s me, Shreya!

I've hit your inbox late this time...

But I am here to give you what you asked for.

In last week’s email, I shared my entire Twitter content creation strategy with you.

So many of you applied the strategy for yourselves last week, and I could see how well you've taken action based on how active you've become on Twitter!

Now, as requested by many of you, here’s my LinkedIn content creation process.

The process is similar to what I shared for Twitter, with a few tweaks. You can also compare this email with the Twitter strategy, side-by-side. Let's begin:

#1. The Plan

Target audience: Potential clients for my LinkedIn Branding services (I'll keep the details to myself)

Frequency: 1 post a day

Themes of posts:

  • LinkedIn branding and growth
  • Personal stories
  • Testimonials and case studies

Purpose of each theme:

  • LinkedIn branding and growth - Build an audience of people who are serious about LinkedIn
  • Personal stories - Boost reach
  • Testimonials and case studies - Boost inbound queries

#2. The Tools

I use Airtable for all my content creation, including LinkedIn. (You can use an excel sheet if you like)

You can join Airtable using my referral link by clicking here. You can also get access to my Content Calendar Template by clicking here - I've updated it for both, Twitter and LinkedIn.​

I don't use any scheduling tools for LinkedIn.

#3. The Content

Unlike Twitter, I don't create LinkedIn posts in bulk. I've tried it out, and due to the sheer length of the content, it's exhausting. So I would rather spend 1 hour a month coming up with 30-60 post ideas, and then spend 10-15 minutes everyday writing a post.

My LinkedIn content in the first week of June has been largely repurposed from my tweets. Here are 3 examples, so you can see how I repurpose my content [Pay attention to the CTA as well]:

#4. The Process

Step 1: I list as many post ideas as possible on Airtable. I also copy-paste any tweets related to my theme/ goals for LinkedIn
Step 2: I pick one idea everyday and create a medium-to-long form post on it.
Step 3: I publish the post manually on LinkedIn. I update the link on Airtable.
Step 4: I add a CTA in the comment box of the post as well (Link to my ebooks/ newsletter/ coaching call etc.)

That's it!

So now,

The main difference between my Twitter and LinkedIn strategy is:

• I write content for Twitter in bulk; I only come up with ideas for LinkedIn in bulk and add them on Airtable
• I create LinkedIn posts on the go, and these are much longer and detailed than tweets
• All LinkedIn posts have a clear CTA towards the end of the content/ in the comment box
• I publish the content manually on LinkedIn (I use Hypefury to schedule tweets on Twitter).

Hope this email helps you understand that the fundamentals of content creation remain the same. It's your approach to content creation that changes with each platform.

I look forward to you stealing this strategy, and to seeing you active on LinkedIn! :D

See you next Sunday,

(not with a content strategy this time 👀)


P.S. As always, would love to hear your thoughts on this email. Just hit reply 😊

P.P.S: When you are ready, here are 5 ways I can help you:

  1. Follow me on Twitter, LinkedIn & Instagram – I share daily tips, insights, stories and QnAs to help you become a professional six-figure freelancer!
  2. Get my ebook Freelancing Freedom – Want the fastest route to go from $0 to $1000+ per month? This ebook is the best roadmap for you. Get it here.
  3. Get clients on command with Money Call$ - This eBook reveals my secret & powerful sales script that I’ve used to close $5000+ deals on the phone (Yes, paid 100% in advance too). Get it here.
  4. Start cashing in on LinkedIn – Can’t get clients? My ebook Ca$hing in on LinkedIn teaches you the ins & outs of LinkedIn content creation and how to attract new inbound leads to your inbox. Want to know more? Click here.
  5. Get a 1-1 consultation with me! – Want time with me for a personalised consultation? Learn more and book your call here.

Hi! I am Shreya Pattar

Agency Owner, Content Writer & Creator! I help you find more clients, make more money, and freelance successfully!

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