#8: I'm back! Here's what I've been up to...

Hey Reader,

It's me, Shreya.

It's been a while since I wrote to you... I missed you :(


I'm happy to be back, and to be writing to you today :D

In today's email, I want to share some updates.

Mainly what I've been up to the last few weeks, and what you can expect from me in the coming months:

#1. First things first, I hosted my first meet-up in July!!!

So... on 16th July, I flew to Bangalore to shoot a video course (more on this ahead). And while I was in the city for 2 weeks, I organised my first ever in-person meet-up!

It was simply amazing to speak to so many of you, share stories with you, hug you, click pictures with you, and even receive flowers and sweets from you! I mean... look at these lovely pictures of us:

#2. I shot my first video course! (created in partnership)

Yep, this is why I was in Bangalore last month! I've shot this course in partnership with a brand, and it will be released within the next 4 weeks.

The course is meant to help beginners understand what freelancing is, and get a step-by-step system for finding their first client ASAP.

I'll email you the details once the registrations open.

#3. My second video course (this one's all mine)

On the other hand, I've also started working on my first non-partnership video course!

I'm at the course outlining stage presently, and will soon move to the presentation designing phase. The topic of this course (which I cannot reveal yet) has been requested multiple times by many of you, so I'm excited to be working on this!

You can expect this course in September 2022.

#4. My next ebook

I'm in the writing stage for my seventh ebook. This one is about monetising a super-specific feature of a particular social media platform, and includes lots of examples!

You can expect this by September 2022.

#5. My first membership! (creating in partnership)

This one's for the girls only.

I have teamed up with one of my favourite creators (and a dear friend) to bring to you a monthly membership-based offering (among other things that we're still thinking over.)

Expect more information on this in the next 2-4 weeks.

#6. My lead gen's going up

With all the course preparation, course shoot and travel, the last month was slow... not just in terms of content creation, but also lead generation. So yes, that will go up this week onwards.

#7. Finally, my content is changing (read: evolving)

Over the last 3 weeks, I have made a lot of changes to the style and nature of content that I put out online. There is no big "strategy" here; but I think my social-media-using-intentions have become much clearer now.

I've found out - through experimentation - the kind of content I enjoy creating + brings me my desired results on each platform. So here's what the evolution of my content is gonna look like:

  1. Instagram - More visually enhanced content. I've already started exploring this with skit-type Reels; doing trends in my own ways; and creating more montage-based content. You can watch them + follow me on Instagram here. The core theme will continue to be freelancing.
  2. Twitter - I'm moving above and beyond freelancing here. I'm doing this because I realised I don't want to just help create better freelancers, I want to help build financially, mentally and emotionally stronger teens and youngsters. So, I'll be talking about mindset, upskilling, self-improvement, soft skills, love & relationships, and more on Twitter. Again, I've already started doing this - You can read my new & improved threads here.
  3. LinkedIn - I've been active on LinkedIn DMs last month, but not been consistent with content creation. This needs fixing of course.

    (By the way, the content strategies I shared with you in my previous newsletters? Yes, they are still excellent strategies. If you liked them, I encourage you to continue using them.)
  4. YouTube - I am taking YouTube as it goes. Just one step at a time... (which was also the theme of my first YouTube video.)
  5. Newsletters - I am still working on how to make the most of this newsletter. In this pursuit, you can now expect more frequent emails from me - some short; some long. All value & fun, no SPAM, I promise!

So yes, that's what I'm up to lately.

I shared this list with you so you can see - in "real-time" - what it looks like to be self-employed; to be a creator; to do your best to be fearless.

So if there's one thing you takeaway from this email, let it be this:

Don't be afraid to try new things. Ideate, plan, create. Say yes to your ideas, then figure it out later. Try tons of new things, and do many of them together.

You win in some, you likely fail in most.

But you learn from all.

And that's everything.

Thank you for reading this email,
And thank you for sticking around even when there was no email to read :)

I appreciate you, and I'll see you again soon.

Love & hugs,


P.S. Hit 'Reply' and write back to me with your feedback, thoughts, questions on this email. I read all your replies :)

Hi! I am Shreya Pattar

Agency Owner, Content Writer & Creator! I help you find more clients, make more money, and freelance successfully!

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