#6. I killed my own momentum (and how I am reviving it)

Hey, it's me, Shreya.

As you may know, I love writing ebooks.

I have written and released five so far, including four in the last year alone.

And as you may know, I started working on my sixth ebook a couple of months back - the one on self-promotion.

The ebook outline, title, subtitle, cover design options, first few and final few chapters, are all done.

But the ebook's not complete yet.


Well, I told myself a lot of things: The moment's not right; I should do more research; I should get back to it in a couple of weeks; I just can't write...

Out of all this self-talk, the last one stung me the most.

"I just can't write" - Really?

I am a writer.
I have literally ONE job - To write.

And it's not like I am not doing it at all - I am writing for hours everyday - For my Instagram captions, LinkedIn posts, tweets, client work, newsletters...

I CAN write. I am just not doing it.

So yes, I held this "I CAN write" thought in my mind and kept trying to work on my sixth ebook.

The thing is, before I knew it, half the year was gone without a single ebook release.

Only last week, when June hit, I saw what I had done:

From four ebooks in one year, to zero in six months.
I had killed my own momentum.

I asked myself two questions:

  1. Am I going to let my ebook-writing momentum die out forever?
    No way.
  2. What can I do to get my momentum back?
    Write an ebook.

That's when it struck me:

Getting my ebook-writing-momentum back on track was never about writing the self-promo ebook.
It was about writing AN ebook.
ANY ebook.

So here's what I did last week:

I bid a (possibly temporary) goodbye to my planned sixth ebook.

And started writing something else for you.

It's a mini-ebook, 15 Principles of Freelancing - Beginners Edition.

I am planning to launch it for only $5.

I am more than halfway through writing it, and after some more writing and editing, cover designing, landing page setup and, of course, self-promotion, I can't wait for you to read it.

Now, the lesson here is this:

Yes you may have a plan to keep up with your momentum,

But your plan can be wrong for you - At least in that particular point in time.

So at every stage you must keep assessing not only IF you are doing something,
But also WHAT you are doing and HOW it is helping you move ahead.

If it isn't taking you further for a long time, drop it. Let it go. Forget about it (for a bit, or forever.)

Pick something else, and do THAT in the best possible way ever.

As my dad says,
"You've gone in neutral gear. Now the terrain takes over and you lose control."

It's time to shift gears.

That's all for today.

See you next Sunday,


P.S. Would love to hear your thoughts - Just hit reply to this email!

P.P.S. If you've not read my ebooks yet, click here to pick one. Or two. Or five!

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Hi! I am Shreya Pattar

Agency Owner, Content Writer & Creator! I help you find more clients, make more money, and freelance successfully!

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