#10: Resources to learn writing

Hey Reader,

It's me, Shreya.

One question that hit my inbox too many times last week was,

"You always say writing is important. But HOW do I learn writing?"

Well... I've been writing since I was about 7 or 8 years old.

At this point, I easily have over a decade of experience in writing.

Of course, it wasn't content writing...

But it was still writing.

It was still me getting my thoughts down on paper, expressing myself, trying to make sense of my words; editing and rewriting my work; writing stories; learning how to write cohesively; getting feedback from close friends and family who read them...

So when it came to learning content and copywriting, I picked it all up through three things:

  1. Studying other people's work (anything that I found online - articles, posts, ads, sales pages, newsletters)
  2. Reading and re-reading 2 books over and over again - Ca$hvertising and On Writing
  3. Practice, practice, practice (to this date, I write 10x more than I read.)

So yes, I haven't "formally" learnt content writing or copywriting,
And I think that is also why I haven't shared a "list" of resources yet either.

Let's change that now, shall we?

So in this quick email, I'm sharing some resources - free and paid - that you can use to learn writing:

#1. My videos [FREE resources]

  1. My TEDx Talk, Five Steps to Write Anything
  2. My YouTube playlist, On Writing - includes 7 Instagram Lives
  3. My Instagram Live series with AJAC
    1. Writing Stories
    2. Writing Long-form Content
    3. Writing Routines & Resources

#2. Books:

  1. On Writing by Stephen King
  2. Ca$hvertising by Drew Eric Whitman
  3. The Adweek Copywriting Handbook by Joseph Sugarman

#3. Courses:

I haven't personally taken the courses I've shared below. However, I know some newbie writers who have, and they've said good things about them.

I am recommending these courses because I follow these creators/ writers online, and I trust their work and advice:

  1. Jose Rosado's Crash Course Copywriting
  2. Joshua Lisec's The Best Way to Say It
  3. Tej Dosa's Copywriting Course

That's all from me today.

Have a good rest of the weekend,

I'll see you soon



Hi! I am Shreya Pattar

Agency Owner, Content Writer & Creator! I help you find more clients, make more money, and freelance successfully!

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